AT LAST.....

My love has come along!

It just goes to show that persistence and diligence (which can be borderline life-stopping obsession at times) really does pay off.

I have finally found my #1 absolute must have or just kill me now Josef Original....

Behold!....Amanda from the 1850 Antebellum Girls series.

I was on lunch break in my office, reading my book, and was intermittently checking eBay every now and then for any new Josef listings (as if I hadn't checked 100 times already that day) and wasn't finding anything too incredibly enticing.

My break was up and I found my hand moving over to my mouse for just one more quick look at eBay before back to work. You know, to see what I may have missed in the 5 minutes that passed since the last time I checked.

But this was the moment I decided to take a stand against my ongoing addiction and my constant need to check for new listings. I was going to fight the good fight. I was going to be strong. Prove to myself that it's not the end of the world if I were to miss something. I need to face it....some Josefs will inevitably be listed and purchased by others. Because after all, I can't possibly check the web ALL the time. I gotta sleep at some point, right?

Thank god I am so very weak!

Because right there, right at the top of the list, JUST listed....was my Amanda.

And not Repaired Amanda. Or Chipped/Cracked Amanda. Or One Eye Is Bigger Than The Other Amanda.
No. She was Mint Condition, No Flaws To Speak Of, Everything Is Perfect, I Can Now Die Happy Amanda.

And she's mine. All mine! (Cue evil, greedy laugh)

Not to mention for a price much, MUCH lower than I had always said I'd be willing to pay for her when and if the glorious time ever came. (I won't specify just how much I was willing to pay. You don't want to know how sick I am....)


Once the purchase was made and the deal was final, I was actually shaking with excitement. I immediately called my hubby at work to tell him the awesome news (which I'm sure he really appreciated) and spent the rest of my day with what must be a lot like that "new mom glow."

The lesson learned here folks?

Check your auction sites.
Check them often.

Kind of like Wilford Brimley and his blood sugar.


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