35 and Still Alive

Well, the last remaining shreds of my youth are officially dead and buried.

For today I am 35.


If you think about it, though, 35 is only ten years from 45.
And 45 is practically 50.
So I'm basically 50 years old today.
I mean, do the math!

Time to bust out the streamers and layer on the wrinkle creams.
Woo hoo.

It's funny to think that back when I was still a teenager, I actually hoped to never see this day.
I had always assumed that I would meet my end in my early 20's, due to some wild, free-wheelin' shenanigans gone awry, and I'd simply dodge ever having to actually grow up.
Because who wants to be an adult the rest of their lives?!
Who wants to worry about holding down a job, or paying taxes?
Or making mortgage payments?
Or having good health insurance?
And just....who wants to be OLD?!?!

I sure as hell didn't.
I'd much rather stay young, where my only concerns were:
-Where the party was at
-How late I can sneak in past curfew before my car gets taken away
-Or which gas station attendant was working so I could score some smokes at 17

But those carefree days are far behind me, and my window to avoid adulthood has long since closed. I'm now too old to die young.
I am an adult.
And I can't even recall the last party I went to. And these days, staying up til 10:30 is considered "late" in my house. And sure, I can buy cigarettes now, no problem. But I don't. Because smoking is so bad for you!

Plus, being a smoker raises your health insurance premiums.

My teenage fears have come true.
And I'm sure it will only get worse from here on out.

Yep. It's just a matter of time now.

But thankfully there is a perfect way to pass the days while waiting for the inevitable ravages of time to take hold....

Playing with Josef dolls!  Woooooooo! (35, and still playing with dolls. Who would have thought?)

So with that, the Hubs got really lucky this year with my birthday present.
He knew that the only thing I would want is a Josef figurine, and that Josefs are pretty much the only things these days that can distract me from my constant fears of growing old. (Other than the fact I now worry about what will happen to my carefully curated collection of Josefs after I die...?!?!)
So he was really hoping one would come along so he could get it for me, and hopefully shut me up, I'm sure. But being that I have so many already, and that the few remaining ones I do need are really hard to find, he was feeling a bit defeated. The clock was ticking, and we were getting closer and closer to the day, but luckily for him -  and ultimately for me too of course - a Josef from one of my most sought-after series became available just in time for the big day!

Now, I do understand that a Josef figurine, no matter how rare, or how lusted-after it is, it won't actually stop the aging process for me. BUT it will definitely ease the sting of 35 a bit.
Lobster tails and a boat load of mixed drinks help a lot, too.

So, today I hereby declare: That on this day, the twenty third of August, in the year two thousand and nineteen, which marks the day of my not-so noble birth, that all across the land people shall rejoice in celebration with food, drink, Josefs, and photo shoots!

With that, I take leave as I have much merry-making to do! Buttery lobster tails, and a fun-filled shoot with my new Josef, await me today, on this day that would otherwise not have been so merry had the stars not aligned just so.

Let the revelries begin!

Please stay tuned for the birthday gift reveal, and to see the results of my fun photo shoot!


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