Bonjour, Mes Amis!

Hello my friends!

How about we start our day with a funny, yet sad, and all-too-true tale about three little French girls?
Would you like that?
Well then, gather 'round!

So, there is a hard to find series of Josef Originals, which consists of only three little figurines. I don't know the actual name of this series, so I just refer to them as the "Little French Girls".
There is a girl in pink, a girl in blue, and a girl in green, all holding different items.

I have the girl in blue with the basket of flowers:

 And I have the girl in green with the bouquet of flowers:

But I am very much still needing the girl in pink, with umbrella. (She is my favorite of the 3, so it is only fitting that she should be the last one I find.)

Photo courtesy of Google

But then...Alas!
Finally, she was available online, one fine day.
However, I noticed there was what appeared to be a small chip on her, so I messaged the seller asking them to double check for me.

Now, here is where I figured this could go one of two ways:

1.) I'm wrong, the figurine is perfect, and I can hopefully snatch her up.
2.) the seller finds she is in fact chipped, and therefore offers to come down on the price a bit. And then I'd at least have a place holder until a perfect one is found in my, hopefully, not too distant future.

So they checked her over, and sure enough, they confirmed she was indeed chipped.

Cue Option 3.) MAJOR BACKFIRE! 

To my absolute horror, they removed the listing, and said they would not sell her because she was damaged.

Wait, what?!

I told them I would still be happy to give her a good home, and made a fair offer, AND explained that I fully accepted the fact that she was damaged. But they still refused, and would not budge. They said they were going to just toss her.

Wait, WHAT?!?!?!

So, instead of selling the item to a willing buyer who would enjoy her, and instead of just updating their listing to be more accurate and seeing what they could possibly get for her, they decided that they'd much rather see this item in the trash.

Now that's cold.

Not to mention absolute M F-ing madness! and my big mouth.


So, what was the moral of today's story?

Sacrè bleu! Some sellers are whack, yo!


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