The Dawn of A New Day

Well, 2016 has officially kicked the bucket and I say "good riddance!". 2016 turned out to be a bitch anyway. Plus, she wasn't too kind to me on the Josef front.

I bought a lot of dolls that weren't quite up to snuff, even when they were stated as being up to said snuff.

I bid on a lot of desirable pieces only to have someone with seemingly bottomless pockets beat me out at the very last second. Which mostly left me kicking and screaming like a child.

I found some hard-to-finds that were, unfortunately, less than perfect. (They'll just have to be "place holders" for now.)

However,  I did have a few successes. One of which was long overdue and also happened to be my very last acquisition of the year....

Finally! I got my mitts on "Sophia" from the Italian Provincial Series. She doesn't have her name tag, but I'm not going to complain. Especially since I purchased her once before, a year or so ago, from someone who approached me, promising "perfect condition" and "no chipped leaves" (which I specifically asked them to look out for) and of course, when I got it, not one, but ALL the leaves were clearly chipped. REALLY nice. So back she went, on the seller's dime of course, and hopefully they learned a good hard lesson about actually, oh, I don't know, looking at an item before making promises and accepting payment for it. Just a waste of everyone's time and energy.

But that's in the past now and all is well.

Here's my Miss 2016, Sophia

And finally, the entire gang is together!

What is the best way to get over all the B.S. of the past year?
Look towards the big, bright future.

I'm hopeful for what 2017 might bring me.
I am.

I'm hopeful for some sweet finds.
Hopeful to knock some figs off my Must Have list.
Hopeful to scratch scratch that itch itch.

Not getting screwed would be nice too.

So now I give you....

Jenna's 2017 Wish List

-The Zodiac Girl series. Originally, I never held much interest for this series. I'm not real big on signs or birthstones, or that sort of thing. But one night, when looking through my Josef books, for the first time I really noticed, and really took a good look at this series, and realized how unique it was from other lines of figurines depicting zodiac symbols. I have the Libra figurine, shown below. These are really hard to find, let alone in perfect condition, so it would be exciting to come across some more.

-"Spring" from the Four Seasons series. That one got away from me TWICE just this past year. (That was where that "kicking and screaming" came in.)

-"Curly Locks" from the Nursery Rhymes series. I have yet to find one that doesn't have a re-glued head.  And then there's the sewing needle....oi. She doesn't come around too often and I just feel I'll never see a perfect one.

- "Guest List" from the First Year series.

-"Tanya" the large ballerina from the California era. She comes in 3 or 4 different colors and I'd be happy with any. Or all! And hopefully she'll have all her rhinestones intact.

And my #1
- The girl from the My Favorite Things series holding the stack of presents. I've been waiting for years for this one. I've only had one stab at this one way back in my early years of collecting. Unfortunately, it came at a time when I couldn't be "blowing money" on "frivolous things". I had to show so much restraint, which I am really genuinely shocked I was able to muster up. However, I can't remember exactly why the need for that little bout of penny pinching. And I seriously doubt slashing my Josef budget was MY idea. So I really, really hope it was for something genuinely important, because that little honey hasn't come around since, and I'm starting to get a little pissed!

So there it is. My hopes and dreams for the new year.

Now, I'm sure I should be spending my energy hoping for things like world peace, or good health and happiness for those that I love and care about....but eh. 

Happy New Year everyone!


  1. I never really noticed the Zodiac girls either. I'll keep my eyes peeled for you! My goal is to finish a few series- I'm missing a few from Favorite Sayings, the countries, and the Make Believe series. Any of the Romance series rare ones would be nice to complete the set, too! I also only have one of the jewels- I've never seen the ruby ones come up for auction and that's my birthstone so I'd like that one. And so many more... Actually, creating a wishlist on Pinterest is how I found your blog :)

  2. My mother gave me Josef October girls every yr for my birthday. I have never seen the zodiac dolls either. If any one comes across another libra doll. PLEASE contact me. Being that I'm 48 not many I haven't seen. Would love this one!!


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