Answering the Call

I want to give a big shout out to one of my readers, Miranda, for helping me solve the quandary I brought forth in my recent post "Josef Junkies, Hear My Cry!".

Miranda introduced me to the world of Instagram, which I had never even thought to dip my toes into before. Even now, having gotten my tootsies slightly damp, I am still quite lost, to say the least.

However, even with my bumbling around in the IG world, I was able, with very little effort, to answer my own question as to whether or not my angel was a genuine Josef.

And it is! 

I found this matching angel, but in bluish white, and holding a song book, that clearly matched my yellow angel with harp.

(Sadly, it had been for sale and has long-since sold, DAMN IT!)

I asked the "grammer" if the doll had had the Josef Originals label on it, and they said they can't remember, but that they knew they had verified its identity at the time of the sale.

Good enough for me!
All my suspicions and paranoia regarding the one in my collection have now been alleviated. Aaaaaaaaahhhhh.

Of course, the main problem with this is that I am now absolutely desperate to find this other angel to go with my yellow one. She is gorgeous, and I am super jealous of whoever got her!

Ugh, it makes me want to cross my arms and stomp my feet.
Or hold my breath for a really long time.
Or throw myself on the ground, kicking and screaming.
A full-fledged, full-force tantrum!

Perhaps the Hubby will let me twist his nipple in order to get my frustrations out.
Yes, I think that oughta do it.

I can tell that this Instagram thing is going to be both a blessing and a curse.

Best case:
I have a new tool in my research arsenal, and can hopefully see some awesome Josefs. Maybe even ones I have never seen before, like this angel with book.

Worst case:
Hubs loses a nipple or two.

So THANK YOU Miranda!


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